VICTIM: 23 year old Theresa Andrews

METHOD OF LOCATING VICTIM:   Bica saw Andrews at the baby dept. of a local store and claimed to be pregnant as well, learned that they were neighbors.  Bica later offered to buy the vehicle Andrews was trying to sell.



DID PERPETRATOR HAVE CHILDREN: does not appear to have had children but may have had miscarriage (authorities were not able to confirm)

FAKED PREGNANCY:  yes, including fake sonogram

MOTIVE: needed infant after lying about being pregnant


OUTCOME: Bica shot herself when FBI came to interview her. 

 Bica told her husband that she was pregnant, set up a nursery, bought baby supplies. She showed her husband a (fake) sonogram but kept saying that the due date was being pushed back. The Bicas then met the Andrews in the baby dept. of a local store and the two women talked about due dates, the sex of their expected children, etc.  After the meeting, Bica told her husband that her obstetrician had misread her sonogram, and that she was pregnant with a boy, just like Andrews. 

Shortly thereafter, Bica contacted Andrews and offered to buy the vehicle Andrews had for sale, convincing Andrews to come to the Bica house. 

Bica shot Theresa Andrews in the back then performed a crude Caesarean section to remove Andrews’ son.  Bica buried Theresa Andrews’ corpse in a shallow grave in the dirt floor of Bica’s garage. 

Bica told her husband that her water had broken, she had gone via ambulance to the hospital where she gave birth, and was sent home due to an outbreak of Tuberculosis at the hospital. Over the next few weeks, the Bicas showed off the new baby to neighbors, who later noted that she had not appeared pregnant recently. 

When Andrews’ husband reported her missing, he told the police that Andrews had said she was going to the home of a potential buyer for their vehicle. Phone records showed that the last person to have contact with the missing Andrews was Bica. She was questioned, and an investigation showed that she had not gone to the hospital on the day she claimed to have given birth. 

When the authorities returned to Bica’s home to question her more, she locked herself in the bedroom and shot herself with the same weapon which she had used to kill Andrews. 

Jon Andrews was given his son, Oscar after paternity was verified. 

It appears that Bica had targeted at least 2 other pregnant women before choosing Theresa Andrews. One of the women Bica had met suffered a miscarriage and the other gave birth prematurely. 

Bica had rudimentary medical training as a certified nurse’s aid. 

Bica’s husband was a county correctional officer, characterized by police as ‘naive’.  He met Michelle Bica when she was serving a jail sentence for receiving stolen property (a lesser charge than the original one of stealing $10,000 from her employer). 

A search of the Bica home during the investigation found a forged signature on a Family Medical Leave Act form so Bica’s husband could take time off work.  The investigation also showed that Bica had been taking out cash advances for multiple credit cards and had forged tax returns from a non-existence company. Her car was about to be repossessed and her various lies would have come to light. 

The police investigation after her death noted that Bica had been married to and divorced from an Iranian immigrant in 1983; her mother reported that she had not known this.  

Michelle Zonko Bica was 13 years old when she discovered the corpse of her father in the garage after his reported suicide.——-en-20–1–txt-txIN——-