Perpetrator data:  43

Victim: 40 year old  Margarita Flores

Method of locating victim:  Saw victim at clinic, claimed to be a charity worker and lured Flores with an offer of free baby supplies and diapers in order to persuade Flores to meet in isolated space.

Survival of Mother:  no

Survival of Fetus:   no

Did Perpetrator have children:  unknown

Had the perpetrator ever faked a pregnancy:  unknown

Motive:  Saldana’s male partner wanted a child but Saldana had a hysterectomy

Did the Perpetrator take the newborn to the Emergency Room:  Yes, Saldana brought the deceased infant to the ER and DNA tests indicated that she was not the mother. 

Outcome: Saldana killed herself 


Saldana’s male partner reportedly threatened to leave her if she did not have his child. 

Saldana scattered Flores’ dismembered body in Southern CA and in Mexico.  

Saldana claimed to had arranged to purchase an infant from Flores and that Flores claimed to have had a stillbirth.  Her story later changed and she claimed to have purchased the infant from Flores and that Flores was alive when they parted. 

Saldana’s defense lawyer blamed a Sarafin Rodarte who worked on land Saldana owned for the murder and the disposal of the corpse. Rodarte also died from apparent suicide, leaving a note that read “she made me do it”. 

Saldana killed herself 3 days after her conviction for kidnapping and 2 counts of murder, hanging herself with a sheet. 

Saldana was a witness in the trial of Keith Doolin, who was charged/convicted in murdering several prostitutes. After her death, her attorney petitioned the state to break attorney-client privilege due to having information from Saldana that could impact Doolin’s case.  

other info

Fresno woman convicted in kidnapping and murdering pregnant mother